Low-voltage distribution network constructed with aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR)
Low-voltage distribution network constructed with aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR) is an old technical solution for contructing power distribution networks. Its big disadvantage is the possibility that tree branches and vegetation, even in favourable weather conditions without wind, snow or rain, lead to short circuits and sparks on this type of power distribution network. Consumers who are supplied through these types of uninsulated networks are exposed to the danger of experiencing malfunction of electronic devices, unstable voltage and permanent damage of some electronic devices. These types of networks require a lot of periodic maintenance in terms of adjusting the height of plants and trees.
Low-voltage distribution network constructed in this way also poses a significantly increased safety risk to linemen who work on it.
Low-voltage distribution network constructed with bare aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR) is directly exposed to the environmental impact, which leads to the appearance of aluminum oxide on the surface of the conductor. The first sign of it is a change in the color of the wire from shiny aluminum to dark gray.
Low-voltage distribution network constructed in this way also poses a significantly increased safety risk to linemen who work on it.
Low-voltage distribution network constructed with bare aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR) is directly exposed to the environmental impact, which leads to the appearance of aluminum oxide on the surface of the conductor. The first sign of it is a change in the color of the wire from shiny aluminum to dark gray. The installation of additional protection devices for birds requires additional costs and on the other hand it is very rarely applied.
If we take into account that low-voltage distribution networks constructed with aluminum conductors steel reinforced (ACSR) are easily accessible and enable unscrupulous consumers to make illegal connections and very easily consume electricity in an unauthorized way, thus endangering themselves and power distribution system in general, it is more than obvious why such networks have to become an overcome solution.
All the above mentioned facts prove that new up-to-date fully insulated networks constructed with aerial bundled cables (ABC) are the future.